Individual and Institutional Resource pages (publicly accessible):
- The Great Northwestern/University of Chicago International Bookmark spreadsheet (live Google spreadsheet)
- Crowd-sourced glossary of international prospect research terms.
- Northwestern University’s public page of international bookmarks
- Helen Brown’s list of international resources, by country. The Helen Brown Group offers research for institutions.
- Beth Bandy’s International Fundraising Intelligence blog. Beth Bandy offers training and research for institutions.
- Sabine Schuller’s list of international resources.
- The Prospect Research Institute’s International Research Blog (especially checkout the comparison between different wealth reports)
- Helen Brown’s blog, international research tag
Tools and Tips
- How to See Country-Specific Search Results: A Google Geolocation Workaround
- Dates and International Research (by Sabine Schuller)
- APRA Ethics Guide and Toolkit
GDPR Resources:
- The Information Commissioner’s Office’s overview of the GDPR, including
- APRA’s webinar on the GDPR and UK Compliance, available for purchase here, and a presentation by UK researchers on the same topic that is available on the APRA Prospect Development 2017 app for APRA members.
- CASE’s activities on GDPR
- Sample privacy notices written by the University of Manchester and the University of Cambridge.
- The Consumer Privacy Bill of Rights (a recommendation by the White House in 2012). The U.S. Consumer Privacy Bill of Rights maps closely to the OECD Privacy Framework, which aligns with the GDPR.
Professional Organizations’ Resource Pages (accessible to members of APRA and CASE):
- CASE InfoCenter collection of resources on international fundraising
- CASE articles on international fundraising
- APRA store of downloadable APRA presentations, select the Prospect Research tab, then search for “international.”
- “Opening Doors in International Research”, presented by Amelia Aldred and John Connelly (Northwestern University) at APRA International Prospect Development Annual Conference 2015
- “Overview of Prospecting in Latin America with a Focus on Chile”, presented by Amelia Aldred for APRA Education Week 2015. You may need to log into the APRA site first, before pasting the URL.
Books for International Researchers:
- Pragmatic Philanthropy: Asian Charity Explained
- Available for free download here.
- The Palgrave Handbook of Global Philanthropy
- Available for purchase here
- Across Frontiers: New International Perspectives on Educational Fundraising
- Available for purchase here.
Success with Asian Names by Fiona Swee-Lin Price (ISBN -13: 978-1-85788-378-7)
Amelia Aldred’s General Guidelines for International Prospect Research:
- There is no comprehensive database for international research (sorry) but there are databases which contain international data from certain countries (see the bookmarks pages linked above). Because of scarce database resources, you will often rely on primary and secondary sources including in-country resources, local experts, government documents, newspaper articles, academic studies.
- Find ways to share information across departments and divisions at your organization. Because travel budgets and time are limited, take advantage of every point of contact with your international prospects, including through volunteers, administration, and colleagues outside of fundraising. At my organization, every office that has any regular international presence meets once a quarter to update each other and swap info. If a regular meeting isn’t feasible, explore shared travel calendars, spreadsheets, and other online communication strategies.
- Some information is better than no information. Always ask yourself, “what does my organization need to know in order to take the next step with this prospect?” rather than “how do I find all the information possible about this prospect?”
- Due diligence is especially important when doing international research because we often don’t know the context of individuals, companies, and foundations outside our own countries. For example, you may not be aware of a high-profile bankruptcy or lawsuit that hasn’t been covered by your domestic press. Be familiar with your organization’s gift acceptance policies and make sure that you include relevant info for both domestic and international prospects.
- The culture of philanthropy is different around the world; just because a country’s philanthropic practices don’t mirror those of the United States doesn’t mean that residents don’t have a “culture of philanthropy.” Also, individuals may or may not subscribe to the general philanthropic culture of their country. Use local philanthropic models as context for engagement, not as a hard and fast rule.
- Finally, you cannot know everything, but you can learn just about anything! While researching prospects I have learned about the parliamentary system in India, the London real estate market, the concept of pituto in Chile, and basic GIS usage. Our strength as researchers isn’t our ability to be an expert on everything, but to figure out how to access the info that we need for a specific task. Be bold and willing to learn new things!